China Painting

Railway Station 23 Railway Avenue, Horsham, VIC, Australia

Held every Monday in the Studio with Joyce Lane. Subjects chosen by the individual are painted on china. The china is then fired in a kiln to attain permanence. Assistance is available for new members.

Event Series Garden Group

Garden Group

Railway Station 23 Railway Avenue, Horsham, VIC, Australia

Held 3rd Monday of each month from 10am This group is for people who are garden enthusiasts and keen to share their experiences or who want to learn about gardening. This group meets monthly and there is a trading table.


Railway Station 23 Railway Avenue, Horsham, VIC, Australia

Every Monday at 1.30pm in the Main Room with David Cariss. This group plays contract bridge which is one of the Whist games. Suitable for anyone who has played 500 or Euchre.

Event Series Singing for Fun

Singing for Fun

Railway Station 23 Railway Avenue, Horsham, VIC, Australia

Do you enjoy singing along to music? Come and join us and pick a song from our song books, there are lots of options to choose from and everyone gets a turn. Tuesday mornings from 10 am in the Main Room.


Railway Station 23 Railway Avenue, Horsham, VIC, Australia

Every Tuesday from in the Waiting Room. Led by Maxine Ferguson. A small but enthusiastic group play Solo (another type of Whist card game). The participants say it is not difficult, but it does make you think.

Nature Watch: with David Attenborough

Railway Station 23 Railway Avenue, Horsham, VIC, Australia

On Wednesday 19th February from 10am, the Nature Watch group will have a special presentation of 2 documentaries from the award winning Sir David Attenborough. Tiger: Spy in the Jungle This revealing programme follows the different stages of a tiger's life from playful cubs, to learning adolescents and ultimately to young hunting adults. Wild China:...