Committee 2024-2025
Our new Committee of Management for 2024 was elected at the AGM held April 12th.
Just a note: The information below is in the process of being updated, if the links are not working, we are aware of this and will be rectified soon. If you need to contact us, please use the contact form towards the bottom of the page. Thank you for your help and patience.
June Liddy
June has been a member of Horsham U3A since * and enjoys taking part in many of the classes. She also tutors/manages the Singing for Fun group that is held every Thursday from 10am.
vICE President
Bob Mc Ilvena
Bob has been long standingmember and forer President of HOrsham U3A. Bob is down at the Station most days, joining in the fun.
This positrion is currently vacant, but the duties are beig shared by other members of the Committee.
Joyce Lane
Minutes Secretary
Joyce is our Meeting Minutes Secretary and has been a member of Horsham U3A since *
Bill Goodwin
Bill is in charge of our maintenance. If you spot an issue, please let him know.
Mike Coffey
Grants Officer
Mike has been a member at Horsham U3A since * and is our Grants Officer.
Rhonda Coffey
Class Coordunator
Rhonds is in chsrge of schedulig all our classes and creating the timetables.
Trish Maybery
Newsletter Editor
Trish has been a member of Horsham U3A since 2023 and takes care of our Website and Facebook pages. In addition to the Newsletter & Grneral Office Administration. Trish is also a support teacher for the Technologyt Classes.
Position Vacant
Events & Publicity
Due to a resignation, this position is now vacant. If you are able to assist by becoming a member of our Committee, please let us know.